Will the selection of the Caddo Parish Registrar of Voters be delayed?
The Caddo Commission will decide next Thursday, Aug. 8.
The Commission established a timeline for the selection process at a special meeting on July 18. To comply with state law an ad must be published twice in the Caddo Citizen newspaper, the official journal of the parish.
The Commission voted to have the ad run on July 25 and Aug 1. The deadline for submitting applications to the Commission clerk was set for Aug.8.
The Caddo Citizen dropped the ball, and the first ad was not run as scheduled. Thus it will need to be published on Aug. 1 and Aug. 8.
It is expected that the application deadline will be pushed back to Aug. 15.
Ernie Roberson’s resignation as Caddo registrar was effective on July 15. The Commission has 90 days to name a replacement. Thus delaying the selection process by a week is not an issue.
As of noon July 29, four applications for the position had been filed: Colvin Roberson, Darryl Moore, Fernand Garlington II, and Alvin Scott.
Other names that have been mentioned include Commission president Stormy Gage-Watts, Justin Courtney, Henry Whitehorn, and Dale Sibley. A large number of applicants can be expected.
The salary set by state law is $83,000.